Abstract Submission

The Scientific Committee welcomes all those involved in analytical chemistry research, to participate and to submit abstracts for poster or oral communications.


Type of contribution

  • Oral communication
    The program includes keynotes and oral communications. Oral communication will last 15 minutes including discussion (12 min for presentation + 3 min for discussion), 20 minutes slots (including discussion) will be reserved to keynotes speakers. PCs and video projectors will be available on site for the presentation. Recommended slide format is 16:9. Speach will be in Italian but, to facilitate foreign participants, we kindly ask to prepare your slides in English, using MS-PowerPoint, in 16:9 format.
  • Poster presentation
    The program includes 3-poster sessions. At least one of the authors should be present during the session to present the poster. We kindly ask to prepare your slide in English, to facilitate foreign participants. Poster dimensions should not exceed the A0 format (84,1x118,9 cm) (width × height). Double-sided tape and drawing pins, to allocate the poster, will be present on site.

The author must choose between “oral” or “poster” presentation and specify it in the submission form. If “oral” has been selected, the author should decide for which session the abstract is proposed. Slots for oral communication are limited; The authors, on the sole discretion of the scientific committee, may be invited to change the status of their presentation from oral to poster.


Drafting of the abstract

Official language of the congress is Italian; nevertheless, to ensure international visibility to the scientific contributions, which will be published online, abstract should be drawn up in English and submitted before May, 31st 2022. After May, 31st 2022, until thursday June 30th, they will be considered only as last-minute poster.

  • Abstract must be written on an A4 page.
    • Text should be 13 cm in width and no more than 22 cm in height. This corresponds to 4 cm of space on each side and a maximum of 2800 characters (including spaces).
    • Font is Times New Roman 12 point single-spaced.
    • Title must be written in bold with CAPITAL LETTERS.
    • A blank line must be left between the title and the name of the Authors, between their affiliations and the text and between the end of this and the bibliography.
    • Author name format is “initial of the name” and “surname”
    • Name of the author presenting the contribution must be underlined.
    • Affiliation should be identified with a number in superscript over the surname.
    • Please, send your file named as follows: Surname_oral.docx or Surname_poster.docx (Example: Bianchi_poster.docx)





After evaluation from the scientific committee, a formal notification of the acceptance of the contributions will be given by June 15th, 2022. For publication in the official program and in the Proceedings of the Congress (with ISBN) it is mandatory that at least one of the Authors registers by June, 20th 2022.














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